Complex Workspace

This workspace is a combination of structure and chaos. At first sight it looks like as if this workspace is a mishmash of objects but that is not true, there is a structure behind it all. At the basis there are five different functions that can change constantly. The four panels can be put in motion individually. In this way the room gives you the opportunity to create your favourite function. The functions are derived from the work and life of the Dutch author Abdelkader Benali (see background). So the visitor can take a seat in a intimate writing booth or can speak to the public behind his own lectern. Hang behind a bar or rest in a chair. There are a lot of different combinations possible.

Background information
This workspace design is a joint effort by students from the Design Academy, Eindhoven and Mivera, Groningen. The design is originated after several weeks of research on the Dutch author Abdelkader Benali (Bruiloft aan Zee). During this period we researched primary literature. Through secondary literature and interviews we could create a good picture of what kind of person Abdelkader is. An image of a busy man balancing on the borderline between chaos and structure, what makes him a complex man. With this image we started the design stage. After several scale models en sketches we came to this design. The final design of scrap wood (assigned material) has been build during a 4-day workshop with the Dutch architecture office Onix.

Designed together with Dolf Robertus, Florian de Visser en Linda (Minerva)

Design for Edit Festival Eindhoven and Theatre Festival Norg




Animation by Florian de Visser